Famine no more



I wanted to incorporate the spiritual dimension to my website as I have found out that I am really not complete without it. Neither is my approach to training the human body or educating the human intellect enough without the grace, wisdom and protection of God. I understand, that you as a reader might not share the same belief but I thank you if you have taken a moment to read about my 'wrestling with God'.

My goal is to bridge the spiritual journey to my daily activities as a trainer and a coach. I believe that the Word of God gives us insight and strength for my practical duties as I work with athletes and the youth. If spiritual aspect was something separate from the rest of the life, I would not integrate this into my website or my work. However, as I have little by little and sometimes painfully found out, I can really do nothing without His help. So it is time to lay down the ego and acknowledge the true source of any wisdom or success.

So the nature of this blog is personal and it is a testimony of my own journey. The name "Wrestling with God" relates to a bible scripture that can be found in Genesis 32. The choice for the title has a lot to do with the intensity of the man-God-relationship but also a lot with the outcome of that wrestling match that Jacob had all by himself.

Tommi The Trainer

Entries in information is not knowledge (1)


"Information is not knowledge."

As coaches and responsible professionals, we should be learning new things and studying our field constantly. The world, and particularly the internet, is full of information today; some of it is useful and much of it is useless. Either or, this massive amount of information is in front of us, easily accessible wherever you are. Countless people are sharing their material and ideas with different motivations and goals in mind. The world is overflowing with information!

Albert Einstein said: “Information is not knowledge.”  A simple and powerful truth indeed.

If you want to play with words and concepts little further, you could say: “Information is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom.”

There is a gap between information and knowledge and before it is matured into wisdom, there most likely needs to be some time, experience and application, before it slowly ferments into wisdom.

Let’s expand. “Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom and wisdom is nothing without love.”

Why love? Because wisdom can create a lot of things, but can we really responsibly utilize our wisdom for the good of our fellow beings without loving them? I don’t mean romantic love here, but the kind of unselfish love Jesus demonstrated to us, as in “loving your neighbor as yourself”. King Solomon is told to have been the wisest man ever and somehow he still managed to make it all about himself by living in pure pleasure.

Can we add anything? “Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, wisdom is nothing without love and love is useless without action.” In itself, I think the concept of love encompasses more than just the emotion and the idea of love, but also the action of love, the compassion. However, in today’s feeling-based society we might easily forget that love has arms and legs, if it weren’t reminded of it. Feeling sorry for the hungry and sick does not help them. A physical action is required in order to reach out with love.

I think all of these concepts, and of course the action, are required from a coach. Successful coaching requires a lot of constant studying, a loving servant’s attitude and plenty of action in order to deliver the message and the training that the athlete needs.   

Proverbs 3 promises us true wisdom and guidance as we trust in the Lord, and even refreshment and healing to our physical bodies. Thank you Jesus, I need it.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart
  And do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him,
  And He will make your paths straight.

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
  Fear the L
ORD and turn away from evil.

It will be healing to your body
  And refreshment to your bones.

Be strong and courageous!!
