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    "I have been a client of Tommi's for 8 years.  I have utilized many aspects of his broad expertise.  He has been able to assist and motivate me with all of my personal goals regarding, Personal Training, Weight Loss and Nutrition, as well as rehabilitation.  He is an outstanding intelligent professional." Mark D, NY 

     "Tommi's workouts are excellent - always fun, always changing and challenging." Lauri Hill, NJ

     "Tommi is a super professional who watches you closely to make sure you strengthen your body, understand what you need to do, and do it in a way without hurting yourself. Over the last 3 years, working with Tommi, I have strengthened by body without ever injuring myself;  not even pulling a muscle. That's because Tommi pays close attention to what I am doing." (David Goodman, NJ)

      "Tommi keeps my mind in the game and challenges me with new moves every day.   Working with Tommi is more fun than eating marshmallows." (Sylvia G., NJ)

     "For the past 20 years I have had to train around chronic knee and shoulder pain. Since training with Tommi, I am now pain free and no longer living on Advil!"  (Ted D'Amico, NJ)

     "The knowledge and skill set that Tommi possesses is incredible. He is a true movement specialist and has one mission: results." Evan Chait, PT, CNRT, L.Ac (Kinetic Physical Therapy)

    Entries in integrated core training (1)


    Abdominal training progressions 

    I am a big fan of integrated abdominal training. I believe most of the "core training" should be done in a standing position with a combination of vertical and horizontal forms of resistance.  

    However, sometimes you might have to start with exercises that will help the abdominal muscles to fire properly before moving into more integrated movement patterns. Here is an example of a core control exercise from Bill Hartmann's blog. I especially like the idea of the arms overhead pushing against the wall. This will reflexively activate the abdominal wall and teach subconscious muscle recruitment.   


     Progression towards the standing and more integrated position could go in the following way:

    1. Supine

    2. Prone

    3. Kneeling

    4. Standing

    Think of the stages of early child development: from the back to the belly to more upright into eventually standing. This will help the adbominal wall and the "pillar" of core to become and effective and participating member of the total movement system. We don't do this progression with everyone, but for some who have trouble initiating the core control activity.

    Here is another potential stage of the progression: Kneeling with horizontal resistance. This phase already requires a great team-work capacity between the hip (glutes/hip flexors) and the adbominal wall. As you already know so well, this exercise is for demonstrational purposes only.    

    Thank you!


    PS: Don't forget to sign up for your free DYNAMIC WARM-UP METHOD REPORT!